About the article
Scientists conducted a study comparing images of astronauts’ brains before and after long/short missions and spaceflight, in which they found that there are significant changes to the brain, i.e. the volume of cerebrospinal fluid inside the brain, decrease of grey matter, ocular health, and more.
The Floating Brain Phenomenon
The first concept is an idea of a play on words, "the floating brain", illustrating the brain in space with abstract, simplistic shape elements, consisting of circles that resemble planets, with astronauts around the central brain of the solar system.

The Ocular Solar System
The second illustration concept is based on the article finding that spaceflight can impact "ocular health" along with the interdependent relationship between the cerebral spinal fluid with ocular health. The concept I thought of is to illustrate the sun's rays like a pupil of the eye, dilating in space. The astronaut figure is illustrated facing toward the sun to initiate a sense of journey.
The Floating Brain Anatomy
The third and final concept is to illustrate a simplified diagram of the brain to indicate the locations of the key term "cerebral spinal fluid."