DESIGN214: Marks & Symbols (Spring 2018)
Instructor: Karen Cheng


Ariel Chan
Bridgette Chen  (Font Drawer, Process Book Recorder)
Cynthia He  (Font Drawer, Editor, Process Book Recorder)
Sara Tieu  (Font Drawer, Font Master)
Mary Wojnar  (Font Drawer, Poster Design)

Font Drawer
Process Book Recorder
DURATION  5 weeks, half a quarter
TOOLS  MiniGlyphs, Hand-Drawn Letter Tracing, Adobe InDesign

PRINT  16.5" x 21.5"
Original type sample
Font found in the first Church of Christ in New Haven, Connecticut — original font engraved on stone.
We traced and modified the original font and made it into a modern "Old Style" serif typeface.
Our font, Theophilus

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